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Falling Walls announces Science Breakthrough

of the Year 2023 laureates in Science Engagement,

Science Start-Ups, and Emerging Talents

  • Today, the Falling Walls Foundation awarded the final three titles for the Scientific Breakthrough of the Year 2023
  • The award winners Yamilée Toussaint (Science Engagement), Alessandro Grillini und start-up Reyedar (Science Start-Up), Joseph Bedard, Yizhou Yu and Emma-Anne Karlsen (Emerging Talents)
  • All Science Breakthrough of the Year 2023 awardees will present their scientific breakthroughs on 9 November, the Breakthrough Day at the Science Summit

Berlin, 7 November 2023. Which are the next walls to fall in science and society?

Today, on the first day of the Falling Walls Science Summit, the Falling Walls Foundation awarded the last three “Science Breakthrough of the Year” titles. The shortlisted participants in the categories Science Engagement, Science Start-Ups and Emerging Talents presented their projects live in front of the jury at the Summit.

In the Science Engagement (Falling Walls Engage) category, awards are given to projects that promote the transfer and co-creation of scientific knowledge, foster two-way Science Engagement and actively involve society in scientific processes. During the Pitch Day, 20 Falling Walls Engage participants from 19 countries presented their projects. This year Yamilée Toussaint, “Breaking The Wall to Diversity in STEM through Dance”, received the main title. Her project „STEM From Dance“ focuses on STEM education for underrepresented minority girls through the creative and confidence-building aspects of dance to code lights, use drones to film, create music, and mutual support in STEM education.

“We are proud to have initiated Falling Walls Engage which has surpassed our expectations”, says Henry Alt-Haaker, Jury Co-Chair and Senior Vice President Strategic Partnerships and Robert Bosch Academy at Robert Bosch Stiftung, founding partner of Falling Walls Engage. “We have been impressed by the variety of this year’s applications: More than 200 projects from 70 countries with an impressive range of topics, methods, and ideas. Their impact on science backed evidence-based decision making cannot be overestimated.

In the Science Start-Ups category (Falling Walls Venture), the main prize is awarded to a start-up idea that best combines research expertise and entrepreneurial excellence. The Science Breakthrough of the Year 2023 went to Reyedar, the German start-up that develops a patient-friendly medical device for the early detection of degenerative eye and brain diseases.

This year, 25 start-ups presented their projects from 13 countries at the Summit. Among the solutions presented were alternative packaging solutions from seaweed, a chip that works like the human brain, and a novel AI-based RNA delivery platform.

Manon Sarah Littek and Gitte Bedford, the venture jury members say: “All pitches were at a very high level with exciting topics and technologies that can positively change the future. This makes Falling Walls Venture a unique deep tech event, not least because the funding side is directly involved in the process. Falling Walls and the participants have once again succeeded in awakening enthusiasm for science and the entrepreneurial spirit.”

In the Emerging Talents category (Falling Walls Lab), the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year is awarded to students and early-career professionals for their innovative ideas. 100 participants from 64 countries presented their ideas on topics such as fake news detection, green hydrogen production and storage, and forever chemicals.

This year’s laureates are Joseph Bedard, Breaking the Wall of Alternative Plastics (Dalhousie University, Canada), Yizhou Yu, Breaking the Wall of Dementia (University of Cambridge, UK) and Emma-Anne Karlsen, Breaking the Wall of Cancer Therapy Resistance (The University of Queensland, Australia).

“It’s wonderful to listen to 100 young entrepreneurs from around the world, diverse in every which way, as they pitch, persuade, network and knock those walls down. I believe that it is a really important informal part of a young person’s education to be able to expose and present their ideas, within a relatively supportive growth environment, and on a more intimate stage than they will meet later in life. Nonetheless, to back onto the prestigious Falling Walls event as a Labster, and on these historical anniversaries, offers the opportunity to attend and observe other entrepreneurs and to learn from them and to model (and even improve on) their behaviour and performance!” – Dame Sarah Springman, Principal, St Hilda’s College, Oxford.

Sources & Photos: Falling Walls Science Summit 2023




25 September 2023

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The winners of the Falling Walls Lab Mongolia’2022 Open Forum have been awarded

27 May 2022


The Falling Walls Lab Mongolia’2022 forum, which introduces the innovations and research works of young scientists, doctors, researchers, specialists and innovators to international scientists, was successfully organized on May 26th, 2022 in a hybrid form and the winners were announced.


Within 3 minutes, the eight finalists of the open forum presented their research papers in English in the fields of Health, Agriculture, Engineering and Technology, Environment, as well as Economics and Business. All of the research works were focused on the not only facilitated human labor but also human-environment-friendly, eco-friendly, and sustainable development policies.


For instance, Ts.Nomin, a researcher at the Nano Science and Nanotechnology Center of the National University of Mongolia, won the first place at the Falling Walls Lab Mongolia'2022 Forum for her research “Sustainable Biomaterials from Waste” and qualified for the global finale in Berlin on 7 November and wins a ticket to attend the Falling Walls Science Summit, where she gets to interact and compete with more than 100 international national winners.


 Moreover, lecturers of the German-Mongolian institute for Resources and Technology, Dr. T.Narangarav took second place for her presentation on “Innovation in Waste Management” and Ph.D candidate S.Enkhjargal took third place for her research on “Watering a Billion Trees”.


During the forum, T.Gereltuya, CEO and accountant of Bright Point LLC, identified a “Not human-friendly city” and put forward her own initiative on how to make it a people-friendly city. Leading experts and professors from Mongolia, Germany, the United Kingdom and Kenya were invited to the jury.


 At the honored stage of Falling Walls Lab Mongolia 2022, H.E. Jörn Rosenberg, Ambassador of Germany to Mongolia opened the forum officially and stated that: The mission of Falling Walls – taking inspiration from the Fall of the Berlin Wall – is to connect science, business and society to facilitate exchange and creative ideas across disciplines to tackle the most pressing challenges of our time. Originating in Germany, it is a joint endeavor of researchers, entrepreneurs, decision-makers, artists, thinkers, and movers worldwide to find the next breakthroughs for our societies. Nobody can solve these big issues alone. We are therefore delighted about the great dedication and commitment of the Falling Walls partners and participants. We would like to thank all the organizers and partners for their commitment in making it a life event again after two years of corona-forced online meetings. There were many exciting innovative ideas presented today, and we wish the Mongolian competitors every success at the big stage of the Falling Walls Conference in Berlin!


Хэвлэлийн мэдээ


Монгол Улсын IV павильоны үзэсгэлэн “Завсар орон зай”

НордАрт 2022 - Олон Улсын Дүрслэх Урлагийн Үзэсгэлэнд

албан ёсоор нээлтээ хийлээ


 ХБНГУ-ын Бюделсдорф хотод жил бүр уламжлал болон зохион байгуулагддаг НордАрт олон улсын дүрслэх урлагийн үзэсгэлэн 23 дахь удаагаа 06 сарын 03-нд 1.000 орчим уригдсан зочид, түншүүд, олон улсын уран бүтээлчидтэй Pre-Opening арга хэмжээ, 06 сарын 04-ний өдөр 5.000 үзэгчидтэйгээр албан ёсоор амжилттай нээлээ.

 Европтоо нэр хүндтэй, томоохон олон улсын дүрслэх урлагийн энэ жилийн үзэсгэлэнд дэлхийн 101 орны 3.000 гаруй уран бүтээлчдээс шалгарсан 240 уран бүтээлчдийн 1.000 орчим бүтээлүүд 10 сарын 09 хүртэл толилуулагдана. Урлаг хүн төрөлхтөнд урам зориг өгч, сэтгэлийг хөдөлгөж буй бүх зүйлийн хариултыг эрэлхийлдэг бол хүмүүс урлагаас шийдлийг олдог. Тийм ч учраас ерөнхий куратор Волфганг Грамм, куратор Инга Ару нар энэ жилийн үзэсгэлэнгээр урлагийн гол зорилго нь юу болох, урлаг нь дайсагналцаж буй үзэл суртлын хооронд энх тайвныг тогтоогч, аман бус дипломатч мөн эсэх, улмаар бидний сайн сайхан ертөнц рүү хүсэн тэмүүлж буйн тусгал мөн эсэх асуултуудыг дахин тодотгож тавьлаа.

 НордАрт 2015, 2016, 2019 онуудад Монголын урлагийг томоохон тайзнаа толилуулсан. Энэ жил тусгай төслийн хүрээнд “Завсар орон зай” павильон нь түүхэн барилга болох ACO Wagenremise төдийгүй Карлсхютте төв үзэсгэлэнгийн орон зайд нийт 1.500 мкв талбайд Монголын дүрслэх урлагийн үе үеийн төлөөлөл болсон 18 уран бүтээлчдийн 56 бүтээлээр олны мэлмийг баясгана. Монголын павильоны куратораар Монгол Улсын Соёлын Элч О.Оюунтуяа, ко-куратораар Ц.Солонго нар ажиллаж байна. Дэлхийн урлагийн тайзнаа өөрийн байр сууриа хэдийнээ олсон, нэр хүндтэй, ХБНГУ-д ажиллаж амьдардаг авангард уран бүтээлч ҮНЭН ЭНХ, Төрийн соёрхолт До.Болд, Урлагийн гавьяат зүтгэлтэн С.Дагвадорж, А.Очирболд нар болон дунд, залуу үеийн уран бүтээлчдийн туурвилууд олон улсын урлаг сонирхогчид, шүүмжлэгч нарын анхаарлын төвд байна. Хүрэлцэн ирсэн манай уран бүтээлчдийн төлөөллүүд өөрсдийн бүтээлүүдийг Монголын павильонлуу тасралтгүй хөврөх зочдод танилцуулсан нь үзэгчдийн сэтгэлийг ихээр хөдөлгөсөн үнэхээр бахархмаар сайхан дүр зураг байлаа.

>>> Дэлгэрэнгүй ХЭВЛЭЛИЙН МЭДЭЭГ эндээс татаж авна уу!

>>> ФОТО ЗУРГИЙН КРЕДИТ тайлбар татаж авах

>>> ФОТО ЗУРГУУДыг татаж авах

The winners of the Falling Walls Lab Mongolia’2022 Open Forum have been awarded

27 May 2022


The Falling Walls Lab Mongolia’2022 forum, which introduces the innovations and research works of young scientists, doctors, researchers, specialists and innovators to international scientists, was successfully organized on May 26th, 2022 in a hybrid form and the winners were announced.


Within 3 minutes, the eight finalists of the open forum presented their research papers in English in the fields of Health, Agriculture, Engineering and Technology, Environment, as well as Economics and Business. All of the research works were focused on the not only facilitated human labor but also human-environment-friendly, eco-friendly, and sustainable development policies.


For instance, Ts.Nomin, a researcher at the Nano Science and Nanotechnology Center of the National University of Mongolia, won the first place at the Falling Walls Lab Mongolia'2022 Forum for her research “Sustainable Biomaterials from Waste” and qualified for the global finale in Berlin on 7 November and wins a ticket to attend the Falling Walls Science Summit, where she gets to interact and compete with more than 100 international national winners.


 Moreover, lecturers of the German-Mongolian institute for Resources and Technology, Dr. T.Narangarav took second place for her presentation on “Innovation in Waste Management” and Ph.D candidate S.Enkhjargal took third place for her research on “Watering a Billion Trees”.


During the forum, T.Gereltuya, CEO and accountant of Bright Point LLC, identified a “Not human-friendly city” and put forward her own initiative on how to make it a people-friendly city. Leading experts and professors from Mongolia, Germany, the United Kingdom and Kenya were invited to the jury.


 At the honored stage of Falling Walls Lab Mongolia 2022, H.E. Jörn Rosenberg, Ambassador of Germany to Mongolia opened the forum officially and stated that: The mission of Falling Walls – taking inspiration from the Fall of the Berlin Wall – is to connect science, business and society to facilitate exchange and creative ideas across disciplines to tackle the most pressing challenges of our time. Originating in Germany, it is a joint endeavor of researchers, entrepreneurs, decision-makers, artists, thinkers, and movers worldwide to find the next breakthroughs for our societies. Nobody can solve these big issues alone. We are therefore delighted about the great dedication and commitment of the Falling Walls partners and participants. We would like to thank all the organizers and partners for their commitment in making it a life event again after two years of corona-forced online meetings. There were many exciting innovative ideas presented today, and we wish the Mongolian competitors every success at the big stage of the Falling Walls Conference in Berlin!



In search of Golden Sutra

at the EUROPEAN FILM MARKET of BERLINALE 2022 | 10-17 Feb 2022 


Shuuder Production is pleased to participate virtually at the Berlinale's European Film Market this year and is presenting its film as a market premiere between 10-17 February 2022 in Berlin.

The Berlinale-EFM participants and industry professionals are kindly invited to the online screening of "Princess Khutulun" to stimulate their interest in Mongolian films and also to discuss about Mongolian Films and further cooperation possibilities with Mongolia at the Berlinale - EFM 2022.

Princess Khutulun is a feature film based on the true story of the legendary Princess Khutulun of Mongolia, known in history as the "Wrestling Princess", a descendant of Chinggis Khaan. Princess Khutulun is mentioned in Marco Polo’s diaries Netflix series. 


  • EFM Fri, Feb 11     12:40 (CET) Virtual Cinema 12
  • EFM Mon, Feb 14    09:15 (CET) Virtual Cinema 4
  • EFM Wed, Feb 16    11:15 (CET) Virtual Cinema 2

 >>>The film can also be seen later on EFM Screening VoD for the professionals.
IMDb link:

More information >>


The #NordArt Prize 2019 went to the Mongolian sculptor #OCHIRBOLD Ayurzana. The award ceremony was originally planned for the opening in 2020. Since then, it could not take place because of the travel restrictions. During the last NordArt week, the Cultural Envoy of Mongolia to the Federal Republic of Germany and the official cooperation partner for the Mongolian art at the NordArt, OYUNTUYA Oyunjargal has vicariously received the award. The award will be handed over to Ochirbold in Mongolia.

More information >>


04 October 2021


The Falling Walls Lab Mongolia’21+ENGAGEx forum for the next generation of early-career innovators, researchers, creators, visionaries and professionals was successfully organized on October 1st and 2nd, 2021 as a hybrid-online event, to promote exceptional ideas and connect promising scientists and entrepreneurs from all fields on a global label and to inspire and connect creative individuals who engage communities and actively involve the public in science to impact both sides all around of the world.

The Falling Walls Lab Mongolia’21 took place for the second time, followed by a Lab Engage Collider program for an intensive exchange on the first day of the forum. Also the first three best participants, including a national winner of the lab, were awarded.

More information >>

Falling Walls Lab Mongolia'21 Open Call - APPLY NOW until 20 Sep 2021!!


20 July 2021


01 October 2021 | 2pm | online event

Falling Walls Lab Mongolia is calling all talented students, researchers, and early career professionals of all disciplinesto showcase their most innovative ideas

Which wall will your research break? Pitch your innovative idea in just 3 minutes, showcasing a breakthrough that creates a positive impact on science and society.


Searching for inspiration? Consider watching winning pitches from past years and see what awaits the winners this year!


Online Event & National University of Mongolia



24 September 2021 (extended)

Download all information HERE.

Submit applications via the red ‘Apply’ button on the right. An overview of the application process can be found HERE.


  • Falling Walls Foundation gGmbH
  • Cultural Envoy of Mongolia (Oyuntuya Oyunjargal)
  • Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Mongolia
  • German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technoligies (GMIT)
  • The National University of Mongolia (NUM)
  • Arts & Media Project Management & Consulting NGO (AMPMC)
  • International Network of Woman Engineers and Scientists (INWES)
  • The Night Poetry


https://falling-walls .com/lab/apply/mongolia-online-lab/

We look forward to receiving your application! 

More Information >>

20 April 2021

The Falling Walls ENGAGEx Ulaanbaatar international online event on ‘The Future of Learning’ for science engager and outreach projects will take place on Friday 7 May, 3.00 – 6.00 PM (UBT)/ 9:00 – 12:00 AM (CEST) via Zoom.

The virtual conference will bring together Mongolian and international perspectives on Science Engagement through Digital Education – from exchange platforms to Virtual Reality and distance learning. Insights from both academic institutions and education for children and youth will be shared and discussed.

More Information >>

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